COVID-19 OTC Medication Surveillance System
Watch how it works

As COVID-19 paves the way for Delta and new emerging variants†, StoreFRONTSM will be focused on assisting community pharmacies in Medically Underserved Areas*.

This is where frontline pharmacy professionals will contribute in the fight to minimize a pandemic repeat in their communities of color.

And where these community pharmacies need the greatest attention and support.

Real-time checkout transaction SURVEILLANCE System

Supporting early detection and intervention for high-risk urban minority populations during COVID-19

Fighting The New Battle

The Delta Variant

StoreFront COVID Surveillance System logo

We believe “Medically Underserved Areas†” and Communities of Color share the same COVID-19 and perhaps now, the Delta Variant “battlefields.”

And We believe that at these “front lines” are the community pharmacists

  • The “corpsman” at these battle sites
  • First to see, learn, and to triage
  • First to help or to refer to the back lines
  • First to be trusted by their charge

AND WE will keep them FIRST here at StoreFRONTsm

COVID-19 Magnifies Racial Disparities

Black and Latinx individuals are dying of COVID-19 at a greater rate than other Americans 1

Across the nation, COVID-19 weighs disproportionately on communities of color. Racial minority groups are highly susceptible2 because of systemic inequities and vulnerabilities:

  • Large percentage of essential workforce with less protection and higher exposure rates
  • Higher incidence of underlying and comorbid health conditions that compound COVID-19 risk
  • Social determinants of health: lack of access to healthcare, food, water, & transport; lower income and higher poverty rates
  • Urban-living / infrastructure: close contact, multi-generation shared living, reliance on public transport
  • Less access to COVID-19 testing and treatment3 for Black Americans
  • Latinx Americans report experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 at twice the rate of non-Latinx4
COVID-19 Requires Innovative Solutions

Community-wide strategies will require tactical support

The growing pandemic brings racial disparities to light and necessitates urgent action. Task forces around the country must quickly create synergistic mechanisms to support at-risk communities.

Early Warning is Key

StoreFRONT℠ is a unique technology and collaboration solution

MediSCRIPT℠ StoreFRONTsm is a unique technology and collaboration solution from MediSite, Inc. that addresses inequities through early detection and intervention.

StoreFRONTsm provides advance warning of potential COVID-19 cases within underserved urban communities of color, via real-time, location-specific monitoring of select over-the-counter (OTC) cold & flu product purchases.

Why track OTC sales?

StoreFRONT℠ tracks possible outbreaks of COVID-19 cases

Research shows that citywide OTC medication sales correlate with a community-wide illness like annual influenza epidemics5. COVID-19 symptoms closely resemble the flu6by tracking OTC purchases within high-risk minority communities, we also track possible COVID-19 cases.

Early Warning Supports Early Intervention

StoreFRONT℠ provides real-time surveillance of important data

StoreFRONTsm real-time monitoring of cold & flu OTC purchases provides important data to support initiatives for improved access and care within underserved populations:

  • Connection to pharmacists for COVID-19 counseling, education, and testing
  • On-the-spot COVID-19 testing*, if available, or referral to local, low-cost testing resources
  • Identification of COVID-19 hotspots for a timely intervention
  • Community-wide transaction data for syndromic surveillance reporting
About StoreFRONT℠ Long-term Surveillance

Surveillance support in Medically Underserved Areas

“Continuity of Care” is legitimately applicable to the community pharmacy especially in medically underserved areas. And this is the long-term value of StoreFRONT℠

StoreFrontSM was re-purposed from monitoring potentially addictive OTC medication sales to perform two important functions for pharmacists amidst the COVID pandemic… micro hot spot alerts and reporting.

Integrating with point-of-sale systems at pharmacy check-out lanes…

  • StoreFrontSM monitors OTC medications designated by health authorities which pre-indicate early symptoms of viral infections….
  • Provides alerts to the pharmacist of potential micro hot spot flareups in specific customer locations
  • Documents pharmacist follow-up and customer evaluation and consultation
A Lifeline for At-Risk Communities

StoreFRONT℠ provides early detection and intervention for advanced mitigation

Together we can help identify and intervene earlier to reduce COVID-19 morbidity & mortality in at-risk inner-city communities through collaboration, and innovative solutions. MediSite values working with organizations like yours to provide exceptional services for:

  • Racial minority residents of high-risk neighborhoods
  • State and county health departments
  • Medical facilities serving urban populations
  • Community pharmacies and pharmacist professionals
For Medical leaders

"Be Our Guide"...

We know you have questions about StoreFront and HOW it can help pharmacies in communities of color with improved surveillance against current and future viral infections.

Please let us know how you would like to receive an executive overview about how we help pharmacies improve their overwatch of micro hot spot flareups in their customer/patient neighborhoods… and also their needs with state health authorities for greater support.

for community pharmacies

"Empowering You"....

Our StoreFRONT COVID-19 initiative, like MediSCRIPT RedZone, is explicitly developed to aid pharmacies and their front-line role in the ongoing mitigation of COVID-19 in their community… by monitoring OTC Rx per the CDC and continuity treatment surveillance intel. With additional communications support, the neighborhood pharmacist can do the best job of getting their customers to return for further triage. We can provide a detailed review upon request.

for concerned family and friends

"Take Us Home"...

Originally our StoreFRONT COVID-19 initiative was intended for the top fifty metropolitan areas where Black and Latinx have resided for generations. In the post COVID-19 vaccine phase AND the start of concerns about Delta Variant… we are sharpening our focus on smaller communities and neighborhoods officially designated Medically Underserved Areas. Please ask us for more information about how you can help from wherever you are with those closest to you who are still “back home”.
for pms & point-of-sale var

"Be Our Partner"...

Together we can do more to help those who need the most help. We are all in this fight together, and we can only accomplish more by partnering with others who have physically and emotionally established themselves in these key metropolitan areas. Our proposal is specific to corporate and other “residents” of the top metropolitan areas with the largest Black and Latinx populations… where we can inform you about how 100% of your support is directed to the community and to their neighborhood pharmacies to improve the overwatch and initial mitigation of current and future viral infections.

Let’s explore how we can work together to improve health outcomes for
at-risk minority populations in metropolitan areas.

Let's Work Together


  1. “COVID-19 Deaths Analyzed by Race and Ethnicity.” APM Research Lab, American Pubic Media, 27 May 2020,
  2. Artiga, Samantha, et al. “Communities of Color at Higher Risk for Health and Economic Challenges Due to COVID-19.” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 8 Apr. 2020,
  3. Eligon, John, and Audra. “Questions of Bias in Covid-19 Treatment Add to the Mourning for Black Families.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 May 2020,
  4. Jacoby, Kenny, and Marco della Cava. “Latino Homes Report Serious COVID-19 Symptoms Nearly Twice as Often, Survey of 1.6 Million Shows.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 1 June 2020,
  5. Liu, Timothy Y, et al. “Association of over-the-Counter Pharmaceutical Sales with Influenza-like-Illnesses to Patient Volume in an Urgent Care Setting.” PloS One, Public Library of Science, 2013,
  6. “Symptoms of Coronavirus.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 May 2020,

*where community pharmacies are certified and equipped for COVID-19 test services

*”MUA” per the Health Resources & Services Administration

†ABC News,