…links unrelated, non-networked retail pharmacies
…improves continuity of care with shared customer/patients
…enhances support for pharmacists’ professional stewardship*
As COVID-19 paves the way for Delta and new emerging variants†, StoreFRONTSM will be focused on assisting community pharmacies in Medically Underserved Areas*.
This is where frontline pharmacy professionals will contribute in the fight to minimize a pandemic repeat in their communities of color.
And where these community pharmacies need the greatest attention and support.
We believe the Delta Variant signals more viral infection battles may come*
We believe “Medically Underserved Areas†” and Communities of Color share the same COVID-19 and perhaps now, the Delta Variant “battlefields.”
And We believe that at these “front lines” are the community pharmacists
- The “corpsman” at these battle sites
- First to see, learn, and to triage
- First to help or to refer to the back lines
- First to be trusted by their charge
AND WE will keep them FIRST here at StoreFRONT
We believe that pharmacies can band together to be a more effective safeguard to controlled prescription drug addiction within their community.
We believe that today’s transaction technologies can effectively provide alerts in encrypted and confidential methods that also advance collaborative information-sharing about attempted, unauthorized controlled Rx purchases.
And in this process… our RedZone initiative can help the community pharmacist with reducing the potential of unauthorized access to prescription drugs and improve their professional intervention efforts.
![MediSite logo REVISED](https://mediscript.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MediSite-logo-REVISED-e1612721481105-300x54.png)
MediSite Inc, was awarded U.S. Patent No. 10,867,704 in 2020 for its multi-dimensional risk assessment matrix used to improve pharmacists’ determination to deny or fill a prescription request.
This feature provides disparate, community pharmacies with real-time data needed to mitigate unauthorized prescription drug issuance, prevent contraindications and help individuals struggling with addiction.
This feature is core to the company’s MediSCRIPTsm solution.
“Real-Time” Prescription Drug Transaction Monitor
- Proactive mitigation of unauthorized controlled prescription drug purchases
- Improved prescription drug conflict potential insight
- “Software As A Service” Application
- “Agnostic † ” – links disparate and disassociated retail pharmacies
- Data updates to all subscribers in seconds
- Includes “Filled” AND “Denied” disposition per Rx tendered
- “Neutral” Data Sharing (secured / retail pharmacy identity always concealed)
- Professional pharmacist “peer-to-peer” notations
- Support “Behind” and “In Front” of the Pharmacy Counter
(i.e. service benefits for both the pharmacist and their customer/patient)
†Relating to hardware or software that is compatible with many types of platforms or operating systems
The power of MediSCRIPT℠ real-time transaction monitor is contributed to by actively engaged professional pharmacists. Their information about their decisions to fill or deny a customer order for controlled prescription drugs is beneficial to all adjacent professional peers.
The MediSCRIPTSM solution features specific community pharmacy alert services achieved by the facilitation of professional pharmacist information sharing. One core solution designed to improve pro-active mitigation of unauthorized controlled prescription drug distribution AND the minimization of prescription drug conflicts for patients with multiple health conditions.
We provide real-time service to community pharmacies – who are the trusted health experts to their customers. Our StoreFRONT COVID-19 and RedZONE controlled Rx initiatives to empower them to elevate their oversight within their communities.
From prescription drug conflict warning to advanced warning about unauthorized controlled prescription drug purchase attempts to mapping OTC Rx that predicts the recurrence of COVID-19…Our analytics are devoted to the neighborhood pharmacist and is his/her stewardship and overwatch of their community.
Parent company MediSite Inc has its technical lineage from the electronic payments processing sector, and thus, data security is “a priori” from the executive offices to the pharmacy counter and even at the front of the pharmacy check out. From its inception, MediSCRIPTSM has been designed around the confidentiality of professional pharmacist information contribution to customer/patient information.
MediSite, Inc. is a health analytics platform based in Michigan.
In 2014, the MediSCRIPTSM service was formed to support community pharmacies and their professional staff with data analytic services designed to improve real-time decision making relative to the potential of unauthorized, controlled prescription drug distribution and for improved visibility of prescription drug conflict warning.